New emojis are coming to a smartphone near you


By Emily Mata

Get ready to clink your cyber champagne glasses — dozens of new emojis are heading to your smartphone today.

Unicode Consortium — the masterminds behind the popular digital hieroglyphs — have approved 72 new symbols for emotions, gestures, food, animals and sports — and there is something for everyone to like. The update, Unicode 9.0, is available today, although you’ll have to wait for an iOS or Android update to be able to use the symbols. *face-palm emoji*

#TeamMoonsail went through all 72 new emojis and found our new favorites:

sharkfinal#1: Shark

Katie is a die hard shark fin-atic, as witnessed by her extensive collection of shark paraphernalia and decision to swim with them while on vacation. Furthermore, Katie harnessed her love for sharks into positive action by serving on the executive board of the MSU Shark Club, which is dedicated to raising awareness about shark conservation. Katie was ecstatic when she learned that there would ~finally~ be a shark emoji. Don’t believe me? See for yourself. What a time to be alive!

champagnefinal#2: Clinking-champagne glasses

There are infinite occasions in which a clinking champagne glasses emoji is necessary. Until this point, we have had to settle with the clinking beer mugs emoji, which does the job, but lacks a certain je ne sais quoi for special occasions that don’t involve sports or frat parties. At #TeamMoonsail we believe in celebrating the little things, and we believe in celebrating them with class.


#3: Two way tie for avocado & bacon

#TeamMoonsail was divided on which new food emoji reigns supreme. While there is a surprisingly wide assortment of new digital delicacies, we ultimately decided that certain new food emojis were more important — and relevant —  than others. For Scott, bacon was the clear-cut winner (see what I did there?). For Emily — self-proclaimed guacamole aficionado — avocado had a slight edge. All in all, we were quite pleased with the extensive new selection of food emoji that will be available at our fingertips by the end of today.

facepalmfinal#4: The face-palm emoji

The term face-palm has become commonplace in today’s cyber-centric society. For those unfamiliar with the term, face-palm refers to dropping one’s head into their hands, often as the result of a stupid question or statement. #TeamMoonsail foresees the facepalm emoji being used a lot in the coming months, especially leading up to the November election. Internet comment sections will never be the same.

pregnantwoman#5: The pregnant woman

Moonsail North co-founders Rose Tantraphol and Scott Swanson are expecting their first child, #BabySwanson, in less than a month. Needless to say, between the dates of June 21 and baby’s arrival, #TeamMoonsail will be using the pregnant woman emoji excessively. And come July 2, (or whenever #BabySwanson decides to make his big debut) there will be lots and lots of clinking champagne glasses emojis. 

#TeamMoonsail ❤’s  that we have 7⃣2⃣ more reasons to avoid using actual words while texting ?. Curious about the new emojis? See them for yourself here.